Usage guide

TopPathUsage guide

Usage guide


The contents and information provided on the home page of Fukuoka Future IT Initiative have been selected and updated with upmost sincerity and care; however, it does not guarantee complete accuracy or one's safety.

The Meeting shall neither be held responsible nor be held reliable for any damages, loss, nor harm caused upon the viewers and users of Fukuoka Future IT Initiative home page.

The Meeting shall neither be held responsible nor be held reliable for any damages, loss, nor harm caused upon the viewers and users of the links for Fukuoka Future IT Initiative affiliates posted on the home page of Fukuoka Future IT Initiative.

The contents and information provided on the home page of Fukuoka Future IT Initiative are subject to any changes and deletions without a prior warming. Please be advised.

About this site


Fukuoka Future IT Initiative holds ownership and all rights to the contents, information, and materials posted and/or uploaded on the home page of Fukuoka Future IT Initiative with the exception of partial materials indicated otherwise.

About browsing on this site

Internet Explorer 7 or newer is recommended for viewing the home page of Fukuoka Future IT Initiative. Please be advised that some contents may or may not appear properly while on a terminal configuration.

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